More than 20 Sharon Rotarians -- plus over a dozen members of Interact (Rotary International's service club for young people ages 12 to 18), along with family members and friends -- joined with the Masons to serve a Thanksgiving turkey dinner with all the trimmings to more than 100 Sharon seniors on Sunday, Nov. 22. The Mazel Tones – featuring Paul Izzo and Ben Arnold – provided live music. Jeff Klepper, cantor at Temple Sinai, sat in with the band and provided a poignant moment in his remarks to the crowd. He noted that the funeral for Ezra Schwartz, the young man from Sharon who was killed in the West Bank a few days ago, was taking place at Temple Israel as he spoke.

Jim Popkin again led the kitchen team, and Phyllis Bernstein, with a big assist from Maureen Gregory, coordinated efforts for the Rotary Club. Maureen also put together the colorful placemats that helped defray the cost of the meal. A tuxedo-clad company of Masons provided table service.