International Exchanges

International Exchanges: Rotary has both long-term and short-term exchange programs. Students for either exchange are selected by the Rotary Club of Sharon on the basis of a written application and personal interview. Students must be between 15 and 18 1/2 years old at the time of departure, demonstrate appropriate maturity, have good academic standing, be outgoing and adventuresome, be flexible and open to living in a different culture. Why be an Exchange Student? Click HERE to find out.
Long-term Exchanges: Rotary’s Long-Term Exchange presents opportunities for high school students to advance their education, become a better person, and contribute to world understanding by allowing them to attend school in a different country. Students live with host families in their adopted land under the sponsorship and supervision of the local host Rotary Club. It is our hope that these students will be able to see firsthand the problems and accomplishments of other people of different colors, creeds, and cultures. Because of the lengthy history of the Rotary Youth Exchange Program, our long-term exchange program is the largest in the world. And because arrangements are made by local Rotarians, it is also one of the safest youth exchange programs in the world. Students are required to pay airfare, insurance and miscellaneous expenses. Room, board and a monthly stipend is provided by the hosting club. Typically the Rotary Club of Sharon sponsors an incoming student and outgoing student in alternating years. At least some knowledge of the host language is strongly encouraged. For detailed program information click HERE.
Due to the amount of planning required for long-term exchanges, the DEADLINE is the 2nd Friday of November for the following school year.
Short-term Exchanges: Not ready for such a long-term commitment? Rotary’s Short-Term Exchange presents opportunities for students to advance their knowledge and world understanding by allowing them to visit a different country for a limited period of time – usually 3 to 4 weeks. The exchange is reciprocal - which means you are matched with a same-sex, same-age student of similar interests. Under the sponsorship of a local Rotary Club you will live with a matched host family in their country in the summer. Then the other student will come to Sharon and live with your family under our sponsorship. Rotary coordinates the exchanges but students families are expected to cover the total cost and make specific travel arrangements. Therefore, the number of exchange students depends on solely on the number Not ready for such a long-term commitment? Rotary’s Short-Term Exchange presents opportunities for students to advance their knowledge and world understanding by allowing them to visit a different country for a limited period of time – usually 3 to 4 weeks. The exchange is reciprocal which means you are matched with a same-sex, same-age student of similar interests. Under the sponsorship of a local Rotary Club you will live with a matched host family in their country over the summer. Then that student will come to Sharon and live with your family under our sponsorship. Rotary coordinates the exchanges but students families are expected to cover the total cost and make specific travel arrangements. Therefore, the number of exchange students depends on solely on the number of host families. Knowledge of the host language is not required of host families. Knowledge of the host language is not required. For detailed program information click HERE.
The DEADLINE for the short-term exchange is the 4th Friday of March.